
Nov 17, 2011

LESSology Challenge #6: Creative project of Dora Dekker! :)


How are your hanging mobile projects coming along? Have you been rummaging through your junk drawer to find the perfect pieces for it? Take a look at what design team member Dora Dekker did! :)

Dora Dekker

Hi here's Dora again.
This is great to make, and I never thought this would be so much fun and also work right.
I have used two wooden skewers. You normally use them for your meat, perhaps at a barbecue, but you can do so much more with them.

I used some tape, placed the two wooden skewers together, and wrapped the tape around. You need to do this twice. Then you need to grab some twine. I love white twine. You can also used baker's twine as well. Wrap that around the wooden skewers  with tape.

After that make sure you know were the center is, and wrap them together. Turn the twine around both compartments, tie them together really good, and make sure you have some twine left to make it a real mobile hanger. It should look like this.

And then you can do whatever you want...I have used my favourite quotes, hearts and butterflies.

Have fun!

Isn't this pretty? We would love to see your entries for LESSology Challenge #6: Hanging Mobile! :) The deadline is Sunday November 27, 11.59pm EST. Please read the challenge rules to ensure your eligibility for our prizes.