
Nov 15, 2011

LESSology Challenge #6: Creative projects of Laurel Seabrook, Linda Lapotka and Yvonne Yam! :)


Ready to check out how our creative team tackled LESSology Challenge #6: Hanging mobile? Today we are sharing the creative inspiration of Laurel Seabrook, Linda Lapotka and Yvonne Yam.

Laurel Seabrook

Hi everyone.  Welcome to another Lessology challenge.  I don't know why but this one really had me stumped!  I guess that is why it is called a challenge!  Anyhow I finally decided to pull out an old embroidery hoop and some old stash of ribbon and go to work once I saw a picture of something similiar on Pinterest.  I made this for my daughter's room.  She is into the zebra print along with pink so this fits in really well.  I just cut strips of ribbon and twine in varying lengths and then tied them onto the hoop.  Quite easy to do and it feels good to use my neglected stash of ribbon ;)

Linda Lapotka

Hi Everyone, We have a wonderful challenge for you at LESSology this week. I really had fun with this challenge.

This is what I started with. It is an old rusty wreath I found at our cabin.

I took the geese off and painted white. Then I used an old necklace, that I got at a yard sale for $.25, to hang it. 

Next I created stars to hang from it.

Here is the mobile I created.
The stars are created by folding five squares in half twice and one angle fold. Pull the angle folds in so it looks like a square. Then glue them together.

You can watch a video at my blog on how I made the stars.
I hope you will join us this week. Maybe you can put some mistletoe in your hanging mobile.
Remember to do something you love today!
Yvonne Yam

Hello friends! :) My cousin is getting married in January and I'm doing the decorations for the reception. Since the place is really small,  I thought it would be nice to have little hanging mobiles with the happy couple's photos amidst the fairy lights.

Hanging mobile

A really easy project using an upcycled gift box as a "frame" (choose something light and sturdy). Embellishments are from Gauche Alchemy's Wedding Night White Mixed Media Color Kit.

Are you inspired to play along? We would love to see your entries for LESSology Challenge #6: Hanging Mobile. Please leave some love for our designers. :)


  1. What fabulous projects!!! great challenge too

  2. Loveeeeeeeeeeee these!! WOW!!! You are all soooooooooo creative! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. I LOVE this challenge! I have the perfect thing to alter and this fabulous inspiration really has me thinking... I'm looking forward to digging into this one!

  4. Wow! Wonderful creations girls!!!!

  5. These are all great! I love that each project has its own individual personality. It's really interesting to see the different approaches people take for each challenge.

  6. Lindas inspiraçõese belos trabalhos,obrigada pela inspiração.

  7. I am speechless, ahhhh..... you gals are so creative!!!
