
May 14, 2012

LESSology Challenge #13: Chest of drawers winners! :)

Winner badge

A very big thank you to all who participated in LESSology Challenge #13: Chest of drawers! We love seeing how you thought "out-of-the-box" and shared with us your innovative ideas! :)

Without further ado, the winner is .....

She picked up two abandoned drawers at the side of the road and turned them into an awesome chalkboard display! :)

Congratulations Lalo! You are the winner of LESSology Challenge #13: Chest of drawers! :) Please email us so that we can get your RAK out to you! [Please grab your winner badge from the sidebar!]

And here are our Top 3...


Congratulations Amy, Katy and Jan! [Please grab the Top 3 badge from the sidebar!]

Don't forget to play along with our current challenge - LESSology Challenge #14 Birds of a feather. It ends on Sunday June 3, 11.59pm EST. Please read our challenge rules to ensure eligibility for our prizes. :)


  1. Congratulations Lalo, I thought your creation was amazingly inspired and really beautiful. The Alice in Wonderland chest... well I hate to think of the hundreds of hours that went into that creation...but what a result.
    I so love coming to this blog and seeing the inventive ways people turn someone's trash into a beautiful piece of treasure. Well done everyone.

  2. Congratulations Lalo! So happy you did it. It was cuteness & great art work :)).

  3. Congrats Lalo!!! You deserved it...and Congrats to the top 3 as well... love them all...hugs..xoxo

  4. These are all GORGEOUS!! Congrats Ladies!!!!

  5. Ginormous congrats Ladies!!!

  6. Congratulations to all, such wonderful and amazing projects!!!

  7. Congrats to the winners.....

  8. Well done to you all, each project is fabuous, thanks for sharing these and providing such inspiration, I love seeing others work as much as the creation of the entry!! Good stuff...go girls!!
