
Oct 2, 2012

LESSology Challenge #19: Creative inspiration from Yvonne Yam, Kirsty Vittetoe and Laurel Seabrook.


Ready to check out the design team's projects for LESSology Challenge #19: Mirror, mirror on the wall? Let's see what Yvonne Yam, Kirsty Vittetoe and Laurel Seabrook have up their sleeves, shall we?

Yvonne Yam 

Hello there! This is Yvonne. I don't know about you but I can't seem to finish my makeup before it expires on me.  :( Do you have the same problem?
Seeing that my mother likes to carry photos of her grandchildren around, I upcycled a mirrored compact with a photo of my nephews so that she could look at them every time she reapplied her lipstick. It's a light and compact brag book! :)

Kirsty Vittetoe

Hello all, this is Kirsty here with the new challenge at LESSology - Mirror, Mirror.

My friend Linda gave me 3 of these wooden blocks

now let's gather the material I need for this project

of course the mirror being one of them....

you can see I also use some moss from flower arrangement....

old lace.......


this look like a cute piece of decor for my guest room that I intended to have a shabby chic theme, don't you think?

Laurel Seabrook

Hi everyone, Laurel here.  I am very excited about my mirror project for you today.  I picked up this old cabinet for about $10 at a thrift shop.  The glass doors did not slide well so I took them off.  I then repainted it in a nice dark walnut color...although the shabby lover in me wants to do a bit of distressing to it....  Anyhow to finish it off, I had an old cheap mirror laying around that I knew one day would be good for something.  I had it cut to fit the back of the cabinet.  I love how classy this looks and really shows off our items nicely.  Such and inexpensive home decor item.

There you have it. 3 very different ways for using a mirror on your projects. We would love to see your interpretation of LESSology Challenge #19: Mirror, mirror on the wall. :)


  1. Wow! Great projects! All so different! :)

  2. great use of makeup case..second one has turned out beautiful room decor those birds !!

  3. Brilliant work Yvonne, that is too cute and too fun!
    And what a great way to use mirror to create a elegant piece Laurel! Well done team!

  4. WOW WOW WOW!!. I'm speechless, looking at all these creations!. LOVELY. I'm all happiness.

  5. What fabulous projects! Kirsty I am really going to have to 'borrow' your idea! Fabulous!!

  6. Wow wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! These are all gorgeous!! LOVE them!!!!!

  7. WOW... ladies... you rock those projects!!!! hugs...xoxo

  8. Wow ladies outstanding projects. You are all amazing!

  9. Not a very creative comment, but WOW. What an amazing variety of projects, each beautiful.

  10. I loved all of the project ideas..u guys are so's amazing!!
