
Feb 11, 2013

LESSology Challenge #21: You are my sweetheart winners!

Winner badge photo LESSology-winner-badge.gif 
A big thank you to all who played along with LESSology Challenge #21: You are my sweetheart. There were so many lovely entries and great ideas for Valentine's Day! :)

The winner is 

She made a cupboard out of a mobile phone box and there are love messages hanging inside hangers in the cupboard! Congratulations Shalu! You are the winner of LESSology Challenge #21: You are my sweetheart. Please send us an email so that we can get your RAK to you!  [Please grab the winner badge from the sidebar!]

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And here are our Top 3!

Congratulations Mitra, Hussena and Ujjwal! [Please grab the Top 3 badge from the sidebar!]

P/s: Don't forget to play along with LESSology Challenge #22: How Charming!


  1. CONGRATS everyone!!! Beautiful projects!!

  2. Congrats Shalu :) ..such a well deserved win !!...And Thank you so much for selecting my work in Top 3 so honoured :)

  3. Thanks a lot lessology team for making me win...n liking my creations...i m honoured....congrats to top 3.

  4. Congratzzz to everyone.. truly outstanding work. cj
