
Mar 11, 2013

LESSology Challenge #22: How Charming! winners!

Winner badge photo LESSology-winner-badge.gif

A big thank you to those who played along with LESSology Challenge #22: How Charming! It was lovely to see the charms in your collection! *winks* The winner is

Kishley made this box for her husband for their 5th wedding anniversary. Inside are 5 charming bottles with sweet messages for her man! Congratulations Kishley! You are the winner of LESSology Challenge #22: How Charming! Please email us so that we can get your gift certificate out to you![Please grab the winner badge from the sidebar!]

Top 3 badge photo Top-3-badge.gif

And now for our Top 3....

Mitra Pratt

Cissy P

Congrats Mitra, Cissy and Snehal! [Please grab the Top 3 badge from the sidebar!]

P/s: Don't forget to play along with our current challenge...LESSology Challenge #23: What's in your toolbox?


  1. Congratulations Kishley and to the top 3 winners!!! All your projects are amazing!!!

  2. WooHoo!!! Great to see these AMAZING projects & 'go' my friend Mitra:):):)

  3. Congrats to Kishley, Snehal, and Mitra! Thanks so much for choosing my project as a top 3 winner! I will display my badge proudly!

  4. Congrats everyone!!! Beautiful work!!!

  5. Congrats to all the winners and Thanks for choosing me as one of the top 3
