
Mar 4, 2013

LESSology Challenge #23: What's in your toolbox?

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Woohoo! It's March and time for another challenge! As crafters, we are always on the lookout for fun stuff to incorporate on our projects. This month, we want to see you raid your toolbox! Yep, find something in your toolbox to play along with LESSology Challenge #23 What's in your toolbox? Remember, you can create anything you want as long as you include at least one upcycled item on your project. Please tell us what it is in your post since it may not be apparent in the photo.

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This month's prize is a $20 gift certificate to Bluemoon Scrapbooking, courtesy of design team member Julie Tucker-Wolek! :)

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Here are some sneak peeks from the design team...:)

Ready to play along? Please link up your newly created projects featuring the use of something from your toolbox via InLinkz (located at the end of this post) by Sunday March 31, 11.59pm EST. Please read our challenge rules  to ensure eligibility for our prizes. :)

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