
Mar 5, 2014

LESSology Challenge #34: Creative inspiration of Julie Tucker-Wolek

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Hope you have been inspired by the design team projects for LESSology Challenge #34: Laundry Day so far. Today's creative inspiration is brought to you by design team member Julie Tucker-Wolek! :)

Julie Tucker-Wolek photo Design-team-member-Julie.gif

Hi everyone! Julie with you here today with my take on this month's challenge LAUNDRY DAY!! Clothespins have been huge in the scrapping industry for a few years now, so how fun to have a challenge for clothespins! :) 

I made a canvas!! 

Can you see where I used the clothespins???  :) 

For the canvas itself,I painted and misted it.  Then I used some houndstooth tissue paper that I received from Paper Issues with my most recent scrappy purchase (Paper Issues wrapped my papers in the tissue paper!! LOVED THAT!!!)  

Then I took some vintage spools and decorated them with different various bits from my scrappy stash and shaped them into a heart! :) 

Added some Bella Blvd. paper bits on the top of each spool ... and you have a heart from some papers and bits :) 

Now enter the CLOTHESPINS!! Did you spot them right away??? :)
I took some Dear Lizzy clothespins and shaped them into "LOVE"  (only the "O" isn't a clothespin ... that's a mini wreath!!!)  :)

Can't wait to see what you create!! :)  ~~Julie 


  1. Man, this is just sensational...loooove how you've used those spools, & the pegs...well! Clever clogs...I'd never have thought of this!!!

  2. Wow...very clever way to use cloth pegs n the spools ...just love this idea....this is looking fabulous...:)

  3. This is so cute - I love how you used the clothespins and the spools!! Great project!

  4. OMG! This is amazing!!! I love this and am going to have to try this!

  5. Amazing ! I loved this a lot..wonderful idea to use those spool n clothes .

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Very cute and so creative!! I love it!!

  8. What a fun project Julie, I especially loves those with glitters!
