
Mar 5, 2015

LESSology Challenge #45: Creative inspiration of Mitra Pratt

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Have you been rummaging through your ribbon stash for scraps that can be used for LESSology Challenge #45: Ribbon Fantasy? How about some creative inspiration from design team member Mitra Pratt?

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I am in the SPRING MOOD here despite the fact we keep getting snow! However, the sun feels warmer so it has to be on it's way! Trying to keep the flower projects flowing to drive away the snow!

This lantern started off brown and was sent to me from a bloggy friend to alter. I thought spraying it gold with a hint of purple and adding sparkles was just the thing!

The purple ended up more on the top and then of course I added some mists to make my hand rolled roses shimmery! 

Used a smidge of moss as well and some twisty vine berries. 

The hand dyed ribbon really accents those roses. I have a tutorial on my blog for hand dying ribbon from stamp pads. Hop on over if you want to see how I made it. This ribbon got really crinked very a very vintage feel. 

I'd love it if you gave it a try when you play along with our ribbon challenge here at LESSology!


  1. Another amazing and beautiful creation from the queen of altering.. Looks the rolled roses!

  2. This absolutely squeals of spring. LOOOVE ur hand dyed ribbon & ur tut is FAB!!! GORG up cycle:);)

  3. Wow.. this is amazing Mitra and such a gorgeous creation. This is true art of upcycling :)
