
Oct 7, 2011

LESSology Challenge #2: The Trinket Box winners!!! :)


Your entries for LESSology Challenge #2: The Trinket Box were amazing! A big thank you to all who played along! :) We fell hard for this charmer by Tracey....

Congratulations Tracey! You are the winner of LESSology Challenge #2: The Trinket Box! Please email your mailing details so that we can get your prize shipped out to you! :) [Please grab your Winner Badge from the sidebar!]

Here are the Top 3 entries that caught our eye!

Congratulations Amy, Heather and Sandi!:) [Please grab your Top 3 badge from the sidebar!]

P/s: Don't forget to play along with our current challenge - LESSology Challenge #3: The Doggy Bag. The deadline for entries is Sunday October 16, 11.59pm EST. Please read the challenge rules to ensure your eligibility for our prizes.


  1. A big congrats ladies! yippee for you Tracey...your trinket book is just beautiful!!!

  2. What beautiful creations! I can see why it was hard to choose!

  3. I'm so excited........thankyou so very much! I'll send you my details.

  4. CONGRATS everyone! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. Congrats!! Amazing boxes ladies x
