
Jan 7, 2015

LESSology Challenge #43: Creative inspiration of Tone-Lill Angelskår

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Today we welcome a new design team member to the LESSology family! Please say a warm hello to Tone-Lill Angelskår
And check out her inspiration for LESSology Challenge #43:

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Happy new Year everyone :)
A new year with lots of new and creative opportunities.
For me, it is my first blogpost here at LESSology and I'm
thrilled to part of such a fun and creative team where upcycling is in focus. We have started this year with a Cardboard challenge
and I have  upcycled an empty Pringles Crisp box into this chocolate gift box.

A box like this can be used as a nice and fancy wrapping for a last minute gift, like here, filled with mini chocolates as a yummy present for a chocolate lover.

here is a before picture of the cardboard box 

 and this is the finished box with the lid decorated as well
( Since the lid is made of plastic, I prefer to use a heated glue "gun"
when decorating  it)
 Upcycling projects gives an opportunity to use stash "saved for a rainy day" like I have done here with an old brown lace. (finally it got a new home ;)

and I  upcycled some birch bark, peeling it of some firewood. 
( it is cold in Norway this time of the year and we use renewable
 heating resources like firewood and hydro electric power, as we
 have plenty of waterfalls and large forests of pine, fir and spruce trees, just in case you are concerned  about deforesting)
The bark works well on any project and I love the natural curly shapes you get when peeling it off.

I also used some corrugated cardboard,  painted with white acrylic paint
I always keep the thin metal wire cut offs from the paper
flowers and can use them as separate embellishments on other
projects later on.

As the holiday season  is over, for most of us, I am sure 
some of you have cardboard left overs after Christmas, ready to be 
upcycled into a new project.  Here is the chance to have some fun
and we love to see what you come up with :)