
Jan 8, 2015

LESSology Challenge #43: Creative inspiration of Mitra Pratt

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How about giving the good old sturdy box a fancy makeover like what design team member Mitra Pratt did for LESSology Challenge #43: Cardboard Central?

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A sturdy black cardboard box is never ever something that gets tossed at my house. The sturdy part means you can go all multimedia on it and it won't sag or warp.

See, it's a nice black box & was so easy to alter! Well, it is nicer in my opinion of course with feet.

See them peeking out there? Can you guess what they are?

Old fuses that are spray painted gold! I know, they have such a nice shape.

One of my favorite parts of this box are the microbeads I added along the edge with glue. You can see a glue drip that I left because I thought it was pretty.

How about that flower! It was a gift from Yvonne, LESSology's owner! Isn't it delicious?

We'd love for you to play along with our cardboard challenge! I am sure you have a sturdy box hiding somewhere in your house! I'm planning on adding a gift into mine at some point for a nice present! Easy peasy!


  1. Can't agree more on the sturdiness of the box! Lovely alteration and I love those fused feet!

  2. So gorgeous!!! I loveeeeeeeeee it!!!!!

  3. Funky and DELISH.....& I had NO idea bout those legs! But I do love them:):)

  4. A stunning trasformation of the box Mitra and so creative too... I love those golden fuse feet, what a fab idea :)
