Ready for a fun little take on LESSology Challenge #41: Beautiful scenery? Let's check out what design team member Mitra Pratt came up with....

Creating a scene is our challenge this month over here at LESSology! I had planned on making this affirmation oval embroidery hoop with this adorable little fox for weeks! Finally got some time to put it together and BOY am I pleased about how it turned out!
The purple hills and grass are from a left over chunk of water color paper. I inked them up and then spritzed them with some shimmer mist to get the color to run. Even used the very top part for the grass!
The embroidery hoop was spray painted gold and then I carefully stretched a piece of vintage doily across. It was then backed with a piece of cream colored cardstock.
After I was done with my "canvas" I then started work on the fox!
Regina over at THE CUTTING CAFE has the awesomest fox cutting file! It is actually a card called HEY FOXY and made me smile! Plus, I thought it illustrated the word "Foxy" nicely! Who doesn't want to be foxy and crafty!
The metal piece on the bottom that allows the hoop to stand up right is from the ReStore in Corning. I am not sure what it was originally, but I was pretty sure it would make an awesome base to some creation! The paint brush was one that I neglected to wash out in time but I thought made a fun addition to my piece! I even spray painted the handle gold to match!
I hope you get a chance to be crafty with us and play along!
So so cool!
This is FABULOUS!!!!!!! I love it!! Pinning!!!
Wow..Its Wonderful !
You soooo amaze me....creativity PLUS....& that 'stand' - works a treat!!!
This is soooo super cool... Love it...and that paint brush makes it into a tru work of art :)
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