Hello there! Today we have to bid adieu to co-founder and design team member Angi Barrs, who is stepping down due to her overwhelming schedule. Angi has been instrumental in helping set up LESSology. Though we will miss her here, we know that she needs this time to re-focus her energies on her own well-being.
Here's a look at some of Angi's fun projects...

Please leave a little love for Angi.
Best of luck to you in the future, Angi! It was nice seeing all your cute, cheerful projects together in the slideshow.
Will miss you Angi!! You are amazing and such an inspiration!!!!!!!
Best of luck in the future Angi!! Hugs.
Lots of great LESS-ology projects Angi. Best of luck!!!
I wish you all the best in your future life Angi and thanks for all the inspiration you've left behind.
wahooooooo for Angi!
Sad to see you go Angi, and I wish you all the best and hope to see your adorable creation somewhere in blogland.
You guys are the sweetest and sooo super talented. I will stalk your blogs everyday! Thanks for being the best team evah! Hugs to all of you!!!
I will miss you Angi!! You are such an amazing crafter and your projects are inspiration to me... hugs...xoxo
I think the idea of this blog was/is a great one. Thanks for creating it and good luck to the blog and Angi.
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