Sep 19, 2011

LESSology Challenge #2: The Trinket Box


Welcome to LESSology's Challenge #2 - The Trinket Box Challenge! :) Don't we love having little boxes holding fun little treasure we have? Decorate an existing box or make one from scratch! Remember to include at least ONE upcycled item on your creation!


Our sponsor for Challenge #2 - The Trinket Box Challenge is Market Street Stamps.

One winner will take home the MKS Prize package - It contains: MSS-14 "Enjoy Today", MSS-11 "Computer Cutie", MSS-BK-07 "Vintage Wallpaper" and MSS-BK-08 "Vintage Music". Total retail value is $42.00.


Here are some sneak peaks of our design team projects to help get you started! You will be seeing these awesome projects in their full glory as we reveal them this week! :)

Ready to play along? 
Link your creations via Inlinkz (located at the end of the post) by Sunday October 2, 11.59pm EST. Please read the challenge rules to ensure your eligibility for our prizes.


Torill said...

Is this an international challenge?

lisa said...

Can't wait to see what you've all made : )

Unknown said...

Gorgeous sneaks and great challenge! I think I may have interpreted it a little differently...hope that's ok. I've made a little trinket gift box.

Audrey Pettit said...

So loving all those adorable peeks at things to come. Can't wait to see the full reveals. :)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Can't wait to see everyone's creations! :):):):):):):):):):):)

Hussena said...

oh wow i really like this challenge, i will have to gear up to create a box soon:)

~amy~ said...

love the sneaky peeks:)

Ella Swan said...

Sounds like a cool new challenge! I have loved seeing everyone's takes on the books around the net!

sandi said...

Wow! This sounds like fun...I can't wait to see the reveals!!!!

Marina said...

This is a fantastic site!!! Love the idea of a challenge blog for altered "things" :) Good job!!!

Lynnda said...

Tell ya what... love all the DTs here... and of course... I'd play along.... I've linked mine... you ladies here are THEEE bESTT... hugs...xoxo

Ella Swan said...

Okidokey - done & dusted & all linked up!!

Amy* said...

Great challenge and awesome work from everyone :)

Tracey said...

Thankyou for the fabulous challenge. I've linked my project up!

Anonymous said...

I am so very happy to see your designs on the cover and am going right now to get a copy and check it out :):):):):)
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